Special Collection

The library’s Walter Tower Room houses a special collection of rare books and materials donated by Walter Tower, Nobles parent and grandparent.

Among the myriad treasures one might find in this collection are leaves from several fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Bibles, pages from a First Folio Shakespeare, beautifully illustrated versions of classic literature, a near-complete collection of the work of 20th century printer Claire Van Vliet and more.  If you would like to see the materials or use them in one of your classes, please contact Ms. Tragert.

FAQs about the Tower Collection

  •  Why are these books at Nobles?

Mr. Tower donated these books to Nobles with the hope that they could be used to enrich the education here. They are used in the library and in classes, especially art and history classes.

  • Can I look at them?

Sure! Come talk to a librarian if you want to look at any of the Tower Collection books. You can also find all of the books in the library catalog.

  • What are the oldest books in the collection?

There are many books and items in the collection that date back past the beginning of printing, including a Qu’ran page from 1122 C.E., Buddhist Scriptures in Japanese from 1449, and pages from Bibles and Christian prayer books from the 12th through 15th centuries.