Faculty FAQs

Which librarian should I contact?

  • You may contact any librarian you’d like, but here are our specialties:

Talya Sokoll: English, performing arts, PD, Middle School, science, databases and ebooks.
Emily Tragert: visual arts, history and the Walter Tower collection.
Ella Steim:  modern languages, math, classics and interlibrary loan.
Heidi Charles: Archives

Can you buy this book/DVD/database for the library?

  • We frequently purchase materials for faculty members or departments. Please contact your subject specialist for help with this process.

One of my students needs an audiobook due to a concussion or learning disability. Can you help with that?

  • Yes! Send the student to us and we will find them the audiobook through iTunes.

What AV equipment does the library provide?

  • See here for a list of the library’s electronic devices. The Glassroom is equipped with a projector, television, DVD/Blu-Ray player and computer hookup. We also have tripods, overhead projectors, speakers, and other AV equipment.

Does the library have ebooks? How do I access them?

  • Yes, the library has a growing collection of ebooks. You can check ebooks out on your own device through Sora. Some ebooks are available on Kindle; in that case we can load the books you want onto a library Kindle and check it out to you.

Is the Tower Collection available to use in my class?

  • Yes! The Tower Collection is made up of many rare and antique books and can be a great resource for classes in any discipline.  You can bring your class to the library to view the resources or we can bring them to your class.  For more information contact Emily Tragert (emily_tragert@nobles.edu).

Can you teach one of my classes?

  • Yes!  The librarians are happy to meet with teachers one on one to discuss any way we might assist you.  If you would like to bring your class here for a research lesson, please contact us.

Can I reserve space in the library for my class or a meeting?

  • Yes, you can reserve a space through Veracross.  Please see a librarian for help if needed.

Is there space in the library for me to work?

  • You are welcome to use the any open space!